April 29 – 30, 2025  |  2025429-30日  |  Chongqing, China  |  中国重庆


Euro NCAP HGV Safety Workshop

Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) are an essential part of any prosperous economy. Despite high technology standards, trucks are disproportionately involved in road fatalities compared to passenger cars: they only account for less than 3% of the fleet, but are involved in 15% of the road fatalities in the EU. There is significant potential to improve truck safety through Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICV) technologies.

Euro NCAP has initiated a comprehensive assessment program to evaluate the current active safety performance of trucks and first test results have been presented in November 2024.

The purpose of the 2-day workshop in Chongqing, China is to introduce the Euro NCAP HGV Assessment Program, provide background and details on the test procedures. Representatives from Euro NCAP will also discuss the future of commercial vehicle safety assessments.

Furthermore the test scenarios of the current Euro NCAP HGV assessment will be demonstrated using the latest in test equipment from international suppliers. In addition, China Merchant Vehicle Research will present test results from its own HGV safety assessment.

The target audience includes truck OEMs, truck operators, insurers, freight forwarders, government agencies, tier one suppliers and test equipment suppliers.

Join us for the world's first event on the important subject
of heavy goods vehicle safety.

Euro NCAP Test Procedures for HGVs Euro NCAP

  • AEB Truck to Pedestrian: Addressing pedestrian crossing and inline crashes 
  • AEB Cyclist incl. junctions: Addressing cyclist crossing, inline and nearside turn crashes 
  • Direct Vision: Addressing close proximity manoeuvring collisions
    with VRUs 
  • Indirect Vision: Addressing VRU and vehicle collisions outside of
    direct vision 
  • Rescue Information: Access to occupants within the Golden Hour 
  • AEB Truck to Car: Addressing front-to-rear collisions with other vehicles 
  • Lane Support: Addressing highway and rural road lane departure 
  • Emergency Lane Keeping: Addressing lane change crashes involving overtaking vehicles 
  • Driver Monitoring: Addressing seatbelt wearing and driver attentiveness 
  • Speed Assistance: Addressing HGV speeding 

