Virtual Testing Series

The carhs Virtual Testing Series

Cost pressures and ever shorter development times in the automotive industry, combined with increasing regulatory and consumer protection testing requirements, are accelerating the use of virtual testing as an alternative or complement to physical testing.

The benefits of virtual testing are numerous and contribute to the attractiveness of using virtual tools and tool chains:

  • Reduced time to evaluate the product performance
  • Cost reduction by eliminating expensive prototypes or expensive physical testing
  • The ability to evaluate millions of scenarios for real-world situations and assess product robustness under varying conditions
  • Product lifecycle management and rapid validation of product updates in the software-defined vehicle

While physical testing is a well-known and accepted method of certifying and evaluating new products, virtual test-based assessments have yet to prove themselves as a valid alternative. Validation of virtual tool chains will be an integral part of future regulatory and consumer requirements, and product manufacturers will need to provide sufficient evidence and documentation of such validity.

The carhs Virtual Testing Series will present the status of virtual testing for automotive certification and assessment, address the open questions and provide guidance on the validation of the methods and toolchains. The carhs Virtual Testing Series will initially target different areas of automotive development such as active and passive safety, ADAS/ADS and battery safety.


Upcoming Events


Virtual Testing #4:

Applications, Methods and Processes  
March 27, 2025


Virtual Testing #5:

ADAS Development Challenges  
April 29, 2025


Virtual Testing #6:

Battery Safety Assessment  
June 06, 2025


Virtual Testing #7:

Occupant Protection Assessment  
October 07, 2025

Past Events


Virtual Testing #1:

Human Modeling in Pedestrian Protection


Virtual Testing #2:

Scenario Based ADAS Validation


Virtual Testing #3:

Simulation of Mechanical Battery Overloading

Your Contact

Constantin Hoffmann
Tel. +49-6023-964089


VT #4 sponsored by