PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection 2024 – ON DEMAND

PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection 2024

Bergisch-Gladbach, July 2024
View on-demand and download all 16 presentations as pdf files
Watch the whole recorded live stream on demand at any time you want.

Presentations available in english only.

The PraxisConference, which has been held for the 19th time in 2024, is a unique event combining lectures and praxis. The lectures held by renowned experts, inform about legal requirements, NCAP tests, recent findings from accident research as well as development strategies and tools and active and passive technical solutions for pedestrian protection.


The Regulation Amendment for DPPS Testing and Review of the Assessment for New-type DPPS
Jinseop Park - KATRI - Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute
News from Euro NCAP
Richard Schram, James Ellway - Euro NCAP
Overview of the current Euro NCAP Active Safety Test Procedures for Vulnerable Road Users and Outlook
Adrian Hellmann - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
Safety Frunk
Horst Weinkopf - Astotec Automotive GmbH; Norman Dix - KINEMATIXX GmbH
aPLI: Experiences from an OEM's Point of View
Jan Wilsmann - BMW AG
NHTSA Updates on Pedestrian Safety
Patrick Smith - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Global Thinking & Harmonization: Quo Vadis, VRU-Protection?
Dr.-Ing. Holger Staack, Volker Labenski - AUDI AG; Yunshi Liang - Volkswagen (China) Investment Co. Ltd.
Association between Passenger Vehicle Front-end Profiles and Pedestrian Injury Severity in Motor Vehicle Crashes
Dr. Sam Monfort, Dr. Wen Hu - Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Development of a Thorax Impactor within a Thorax Test Procedure for Passive Pedestrian Protection
Dr. Johannes Stingl - IDIADA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH; Oliver Zander - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
Investigation of Bicycle-Car Accidents at Junctions
Thomas Unger - Verkehrsunfallforschung an der TU Dresden GmbH
News from Latin NCAP and from Global NCAP
Rafael Tucci - Latin NCAP / Global NCAP
KNCAP VRU Impact Safety
Seunghoon Lee - KATRI - Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute
Investigation of Active Pedestrian Protection Systems using the Biofidelic Dummy and Component Tests
Volker Sandner - ADAC Technik Zentrum Landsberg
AI in Pedestrian Protection - Revolution in the Development Process?
Stefan Hundertmark - EDAG Engineering GmbH
Pedestrian Safety Challenges in Car Design and Approach to Overcome those Challenges
Praveen Bansode - Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd,
Sensitivity Analysis of Head Impact Simulations in the Windshield Area
Martin Fritz, Ruben Weiher - Bertrandt Simulations GmbH



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