October 30 – 31, 2025 | Shanghai, China
Scientific Committee
In the development of the concept of the symposium and the determination of its scientific and technical scope as well as in the selection of the presentations we are supported by the scientific committee of the symposium. The committee consists of the following internationally renowned experts of Human Modeling:
- Dr. S. Barbat, Ford Motor Company, Detroit (USA)
- Prof. Dr. Cynthia Bir, Wayne State University, Detroit (USA)
- Prof. Dr. K. Brolin - Lightness by Design AB, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Dr. C. Deck – University of Strasbourg (France)
- Dr. A. Eggers, Federal Highway Research Institute - BASt, Bergisch Gladbach (Germany)
- Dr. C. Klein, Virtual Vehicle, Graz (Austria)
- Dr. C. Klug, Graz University of Technology, Graz (Austria)
- Prof. S. Peldschus, LMU Munich (Germany)
- Jeremie Peres, PDB, Ingolstadt (Germany)
- Dr. D. Ulrich, carhs.training gmbh, Alzenau (Germany)
- Philipp Wernicke, BMW Group, Munich (Germany)
- Prof. J. Wismans, SAFETEQ, Son (The Netherlands)