June 25 – 26, 2025  |  Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Event Facts

Date Wednesday, June 25, 2025
Thursday, June 26, 2025
Duration 2 Days
Fee ON SITE: EUR 1,660 till 28.05.2025, thereafter EUR 1,920
- evening reception
- digital conference proceedings (PDF)
- access to the conference video stream live and on demand (up to 12 months after the event).
ONLINE: Live & On Demand: EUR 990
- digital conference proceedings (PDF)
- access to the conference video stream live and on demand (up to 12 months after the event).
Location Bürgerhaus Bergischer Löwe GmbH,
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

For ON SITE participants, 19 % German VAT is charged regardless of the country of origin.

For ONLINE participants, the VAT depends on the country of origin. For EU customers with a valid VAT ID, the reverse charge mechanism applies.

Access to conference venue including presentations and exhibition
Networking: Coffee, refreshments & lunches during conference breaks
Networking: Conference dinner
Ask questions to the speakers after presentations
(via conference app)
Watch live stream of conference presentations (including pause/resume/skip function)
Watch lab and demo sessions on demand (these sessions are not part of the live stream)
Watch conference recording at any time you want and as many times as you want for at least 12 months
Full personal access to the conference app
Add your profile to the conference app and connect with other attendees & speakers
Download presentations (PDF) from the conference app (depending on speakers permissions)
Access to sponsor and exhibitor profiles on the conference app

Directions to the Conference Venue

in cooperation with

BGS Böhme & Gehring GmbH

