Vehicle Dynamics & Safety of Motorcycles

Motorcycling is one of most exciting and pleasurable means of transportation. Unfortunately it also is the one with the highest risks for accidents and injuries. While the number of fatally injured car occupants has declined significantly over the last 30 years due to advances in car safety, motorcycles are further associated with high numbers of injuries and fatalities. Passive safety systems have not made a recognizable impact in the motorcycle market and vehicle dynamics assistance systems for braking or slip are just being introduced and their effectiveness is still to be shown. The new course on Vehicle Dynamics & Safety of Motorcycles starts by presenting the issue of motorcycle safety based on recent accident data around the world and shows the differences between countries. The course then introduces motorcycle-based passive safety systems and their limits and then discusses the basics of vehicle dynamics where also the fundamental differences between cars and motorcycles are shown. Furthermore the course goes into details of vehicle dynamics assistance systems and their relevance for safety. Finally new developments for vision-based and communication-based assistance systems are discussed and their potential to reduce accidents is evaluated.
Who should attend?
The training course is focussing on engineers at OEMs and suppliers, both in development and product management. Furthermore it will provide valuable insights to representatives from sales organizations, expert witnesses, government organizations, motorcycles associations and insurance companies.
Course Contents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Type and causes for accidents
- Country specific situation
- Development of accident statistics
- Passive Safety Systems for Motorcycles
- Role of helmets and garments
- Vehicle-bound airbag systems
- Driver-bound airbag systems
- Vehicle Dynamics and Assistance for Motorcycles
- Basics of vehicle dynamics
- Integral braking systems
- Anti-lock systems
- Anti-slip systems
- Future Developments
- Vision-based assistance systems
- Communication-based assistance systems
Dr.-Ing. Patrick Seiniger
BASt - German Federal Highway and Transport Research Institute
After studying mechanical engineering and being awarded a doctorate at TU Darmstadt, Dr. Seiniger moved to the Federal Highway and Transport Research Institute (BASt) in 2009. Here Dr. Seiniger is involved in development and performance of tests for emergency braking systems and active safety for Euro NCAP and in developing and updating the respective legislatory framework (regulations). He was member of several Euro NCAP working groups and is Deputy Head of section “Active Vehicle Safety and Driver Assistance Systems”.
no dates available
This course is available as an in-house seminar. The trainer comes to your site - you save travel expenses and travel time. Get an offer.
Your contact person
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Phone.: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
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