Euro NCAP CRS Installation Workshop

Child Safety is a high priority for Euro NCAP and is implemented in the child safety rating since the beginning. Within the current updates of the rating the child protection rating will be reworked fundamentally in the time from 2013 to 2016. The dynamic tests will switch from P dummies to Q dummies. From 2016 all tests will be performed with the larger dummies: Q6 and Q10 replace the smaller dummies Q1.5 and Q3. This should result in a better testing of the vehicle-side restraint systems due to the fact that older children are not using child seats and child seat equipment anymore but the vehicle seat belt. In addition to that Euro NCAP has released a child seat installation test in 2013. In this test, the ease of installation of the child seats into the car will be tested. Euro NCAP publishes a so called Top Pick list of child seats which feature a good performance in child seat tests (e.g. within the European Test Consortium ETC or similar test programs) and represent different sizes (group 0 - III) as well as installation concepts (seat belt mount, ISOFIX with Support Leg/Top Tether). These seat models have to perform a installation test within the Euro NCAP rating which will for example test if there is enough space for the mounting of the seat, if the seat can be sufficiently tightened and if the anchor points are easily reachable. The child protection rating protocol shows the requirements in detail, but there might be room for interpretation concerning the installation test. This workshop will give a summary of the procedure and of the point of view of Euro NCAP concerning the test. Seats of the current Top Pick list will be installed in different vehicles to explain and show the rating procedure in detail. The participants will get the opportunity to actively take part in the action to achieve practical experience. The installation test can also be performed on cars / child seats brought by the participants. For this please inform us in advance.
Who should attend?
The seminar is designed for professionals in the automotive development and child seat development who are in charge of the vehicle - child seat interface and are interested in the praxis of the new test.
Course Objectives
The goal of this workshop is the practical experience of the new Euro NCAP child seat installation test: How is the test performed and what is important for Euro NCAP?
Course Contents
- Theory Session:
- Overview Child Occupant Protection Requirements for Euro NCAP
- Detailed explanation of installation test
- Evaluation of child seat installation scores
- Praxis Session:
- Installation of child seats from current Top Pick list into different cars
Tobias Langner
BAST - German Federal Highway and Transport Research Institute
Dipl.- Wirt.- Ing. Tobias Langner works as a scientific assistant in the department for "Passive Safety and Biomechanis" of the German Federal Highway and Transport Research Institute (BASt). He is project manager for Euro NCAP crash tests at the BASt. In his position as Euro NCAP inspector he analyses the post-crash vehicles together with a lead inspector of Euro NCAP.
Britta Schnottale
BASt - German Federal Highway and Transport Research Institute
Britta Schnottale is working as a scientific assistant in the department for "Passive Safety and Biomechanis" of the German Federal Highway and Transport Research Institute (BASt).Here she is responsible for safety issues concerning children in vehicles. This includes participation in national research projects as well as in EU projects on child safety (CHILD, CASPER). She was a member of the informal working group of the GRSP "Child Safety" on the development of UN R129. Britta Schnottale is also a member of the Euro NCAP Child Safety Working Group.
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Your contact person
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Phone.: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
All prices are exclusive of VAT.