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Static and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Plastics


Due to increasingly strong social and political demands for a reduction of the energy demand of automobiles, systematic lightweight construction is becoming more and more important in this industry sector. Special opportunities are offered by the use of fibre-reinforced composites as prime materials for lightweight constructions. A major challenge of these materials is the anisotropic material behavior and its calculation. Given the fact that composites are constructed entirely different and behave completely different compared to the classic metallic materials, the engineer must learn to deal with this class of materials to use the advantages of composites for the design of vehicle structures. In the seminar the attendees are first introduced to examples from practice and gain a basic understanding of the tasks. After that, the theoretical and practical aspects of computing methods are explained in order to be able to calculate statically and dynamically loaded structures of long fibre-reinforced plastics.

Who should attend?

The seminar is especially designed for engineers and technicians in the development and simulation departments of automobile manufacturers, suppliers and engineering service providers dealing with the simulation and development of fibre composite components, and fibre composite structures.

Course Objectives

After participating in the seminar "Static and dynamic analysis of long-fibre-reinforced plastics", participants are able to compute composite structures and to identify the effective mechanisms of the associated physics. They understand the different requirements of a fibre composite structure and the associated calculation concepts. A particular focus of the seminar is aimed at the challenges, the problems and limitations in the analysis of long-fibre-reinforced composites. Accordingly, it provides knowledge for the design and the detailed FE analysis. Furthermore, the various damage mechanisms and failure criteria are explained.

Course Contents

  • Introduction
  • Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures
  • Characteristics and parameter determination of composite materials
  • Calculation of long-fibre-reinforced plastics
  • FEM modeling
  • Material models for structural-mechanical description
  • Calculation of static loads
  • Calculation of dynamic loads
  • Failure criteria of composites
  • Damage and failure mechanisms of composite materials

Prof. Dr. Thomas Karall
Hof University of Applied Sciences

Karall Dr. Thomas Karall studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Vienna and received his PhD as Assistant Professor at the University of Leoben in the field of fibre-reinforced plastics and the calculation by finite elements. From 2006 to 2010 he was head of department at the Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology in Vienna in the field of mechanical and thermal testing / fibre composites, and Secretary General of the Austrian Working Group for reinforced plastics. From 2010 to 2015 he worked as Lead Researcher for lightweight design at Virtual Vehicle Research Center in Graz. He was also a lecturer at the Technical University of Graz and lecturer at the FH Joanneum Graz. Since 2015 he has been Professor at the Engineering Department of the Hof University. His areas of work include lightweight design, fibre-reinforced composites and the finite element method.

Date Language Price Code
14 Nov 2025 Deutsch 890 EUR  (1090 EUR from 18 Oct 2025 ) 4535
Alzenau ( gmbh, Siemensstraße 12, 63755 Alzenau) » Register
Prof. Dr. Thomas Karall (Hof University of Applied Sciences)
Seminar hours  
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Date Language Price Code
20 Mar 2026 Deutsch 890 EUR  (1090 EUR from 21 Feb 2026 ) 4629
Alzenau ( gmbh, Siemensstraße 12, 63755 Alzenau) » Register
Prof. Dr. Thomas Karall (Hof University of Applied Sciences)
Seminar hours  
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Phone.: 06023 - 96 40 - 66

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