CAE - based Acoustic Analysis and Design

Noise is an unavoidable by-product of driving a car. Body vibrations, engine, intake and exhaust, air-conditionning, tyres, aerodynamic flow ... are each contributing to the overall acoustic signature of the car which affects driver, passengers and all people witnessing road traffic. Noise (the all important N of NVH) has become an important design attribute that needs to be understood and controlled. More and more engineers, from various departments, are faced with NVH design responsibilities while sometimes lacking a solid background in acoustics. This 12 hours remote course, organized in 6 sessions of two hours, presents the basic concepts of acoustics. Each notion is illustrated with real life examples taken from the automotive engineering world. Acoustic design projects are heavily relying on CAE techniques. Each lecture will be illustrated by relevant numerical models created with Hexagon’s Actran acoustic finite element software programme.
Who should attend?
The course is self contained and has only basic engineering skills as pre-requisite. It is adapted to engineers that are faced with acoustic responsibilities but have had no formal acoustics training in their engineering curriculum. It is also ideal for engineers who have been trained in acoustics but who have not used their knowlegde recently and need a refresher training to put their prior skills back to work. Although the course is illustrated by examples taken from the world of automotive engineering, the topics covered are directly relevant to engineers from other disciplines: aerospace, defense, machinery, appliances, audio , electronics. They are welcome to attend and will gain directly useful knowledge.
Course Contents
- Key acoustic quantities
- Acoustic resonances and sound absorption
- Guided propagation and acoustic filters
- Sound radiation
- Aero-acoustics
- Coupled vibro-acoustics, acoustic insulation and advanced acoustic materials
Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Migeot
Jean-Louis Migeot is the founder and past CEO of Free Field Technologies, the original developer of Hexagon’s Actran acoustic finite element solver. During his 30 year career, he has been involved with acoustic design projects in multiple industries: automotive, aerospace, defense, space, home appliances, audio equipment. In parallel with his business endeavour, Prof.Dr. Migeot has been teaching acoustical engineering for the past 20 years at his alma mater (University of Brussels) and has taught courses and seminars across the globe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, India, Japan, China, United States). He is the author of several books on acoustic engineering, musical acoustics and noise pollution around airports. A copy of his book “Acoustics – Essential concepts, theory and models of linear acoustics for engineers” which documents most of the course content will be offered to each participant.
no dates available
This course is available as an in-house seminar. The trainer comes to your site - you save travel expenses and travel time. Get an offer.
Your contact person
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Phone.: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
All prices are exclusive of VAT.