Simulation of Automated Vehicles - MODULE A: Simulation Ecosystem & 3D Environments

Simulation is a key technology in the research and development of highly automated and self-driving cars. More and more engineers use this powerful tool in their daily work to solve multidimensional and interdisciplinary problems. Simulation is mainly used where classical experiments (under controlled conditions) are not possible due to the size, number and complexity or also because of the impact on the environment. The increasing product complexity of software-defined vehicle systems and their mapping to digital twins also leads to deep supply chains in the simulation domain. To navigate this data ecosystem, it is not just about understanding the technology itself, but more importantly be able to confidently evaluate simulation models, methods and processes, know their limitations and optimize the relationship between business impact and resources used.
Who should attend?
Our certificate course "Simulation of Automated Vehicles" is open to applicants with a university degree in engineering or science. Applicants should have a basic understanding of virtual vehicle development and automated systems. The course is suitable for professionals, career changers or engaged newcomers who want to further qualify themselves in the simulation domain. Through the course, participants gain a broad and application-oriented knowledge.
Course Objectives
The application-oriented certificate course is designed to approach simulation-driven development of highly automated and self-driving cars from both a latest and a future technology perspective. In our online course we use a combination of live expert lectures with hands-on exercises to cover everything from creating digital twins of real world environments, sensor and ADAS technologies, driving functions through to validation and certification of automated vehicles. The course builds on standardization projects such as ASAM OpenX and covers open source software approaches to simplify participants' entry into the technology area. Unlock new career opportunities, expand your knowledge and benefit from interdisciplinary and up-to-date expertise convened by our 20+ top-class lecturers.
Course Contents
- A0 - Kick-off event
- Participants + Lecturers
- A1 - Overview Simulation Ecosystem
- Lutz Morich (frE3 innovations) / Christopher Wiegand (dSpace GmbH)
- A2 - Simulation Environment
- Dr. Martin Obstbaum, Karl Schreiner (TWT GmbH)
- A3 - Mobile Mapping & Data Processing
- Dr. Gunnar Gräfe (3D Mapping Solutions GmbH)
- A4 - Data Analysis & HD Maps
- Florian Günther, Dr. Gunnar Gräfe (3D Mapping Solutions GmbH)
- A5 - City Models
- Maximilian Sindram (virtualcitysystems GmbH)
- A6 - Material Models / OpenMaterial
- Dr. Ludwig Friedmann (BMW AG)
- A7 - Case Presentations & Discussion
- Participants + Module Lecturers
Lutz Morich
frE3 innovations
Lutz Morich studied mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and began his professional career as a trainee in technical development at AUDI AG. 16 years of experience in managing projects and organizational units in management positions. Since 2017 he has been responsible for "Processes, Methods and Tools of the Virtual Disciplinary Environment" and several R&D projects with cooperation partners from industry, science and municipalities that deal with interdisciplinary and technical questions of automated traffic.
Dr.-Ing. Christopher Wiegand
Christopher Wiegand is Strategic Product Manager at dSPACE GmbH, where he is responsible for the business fields Modelling & Simulation and Scenario Generation & Library. He studied electrical engineering and received his Dipl.-Ing. degree from the University of Paderborn in 2007. He joined the Fraunhofer Institute and Sensor Technology Group of the University of Paderborn as a research engineer and received a doctor’s degree in electrical engineering in 2012.
Dr. Martin Obstbaum
Martin Obstbaum has studied physics at the university of Regensburg and holds a PhD from the institute of experimental and applied physics of the university of Regensburg. As head of systems engineering & computer graphics at TWT GmbH Science & Innovation Dr. Obstbaum explores together with his team the systematic design of virtual testing architectures and simulation technologies. In order to bring autonomous driving into a safe operating future on our streets one focus of topics is to simulate the decisions of autonomous cars based on sensors and perception algorithms using modern Computer Graphics Engines like UNREAL to generate photo- and phyisics-realistic 3D simulation environements. To this end continuous research of 3D computer graphics technologies and innovative algorithms as well as the integration of different data and information models is conducted.
Karl Schreiner
Karl Schreiner studied applied informatics and working now for about 4 years at TWT as a software developer in the field of autonomous driving and virtual validation of driver assistance systems. Areas of activity range from complex environment creation to software and hardware-in-the-loop testing and sensor simulation using virtual environments. Responsible as the product owner and part of the development of the tool Tronis®, that is based on the open source gaming engine Unreal Engine which paves the way towards a realistic environment, vehicle and driversimulation.
Dr. Gunnar Gräfe
3D Mapping Solutions GmbH
As founder of 3D Mapping Solutions, Dr.-Ing. Gunnar Gräfe focuses on the research & development of multi-sensor mobile mapping systems equipped with positioning technology, calibrated cameras and high-resolution laser scanners and the software applications to process and analyze the acquired data. Key areas are kinematic measurements of all types of traffic networks, provision of reference information for advanced driver assistance systems and developing of basic data for driving simulator applications. Gunnar Gräfe studied Geodesy at the University of Federal Armed Forces (FAF) Munich. After working as scientific assistant and teaching officer at the University FAF/ Munich, he founded Mobile Mapping S&S GmbH. In 2007, this led to the formation of 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH, where he has been Managing Director since then.
Florian Günther
3D Mapping Solutions GmbH
Florian Günther is a project leader and training manager in the field of high-precision and high-resolution mapping of road networks at 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH since 2018. He studied Business Administration and Cartography|Geomedia at the University of Applied Sciences Munich. He graduated as B.Sc. in the field of computer animation and 3-dimensional LiDAR surveys about Bibracte at the European Archaeological Center, France. Since then, he was involved in data analysis and processing HD maps for worldwide automotive industry and research driven use-cases. At the department of HD Maps his current focus is on providing user-specific cases in advanced ADAS or test and validation applications for autonomous driving, such as the combination and integration of different formats like OpenDRIVE, GIS and 3d Modelling.
Maximilian Sindram
virtualcitysystems GmbH
In his position as business development manager at virtual city systems, Maximilian Sindram focuses on spatial and semantic modeling, analysis, and visualization of 2D and 3D geodata. Key areas are urban information modelling, urban simulation, and smart cities. Maximilian Sindram studied geography at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. After his studies he worked as a junior researcher at the ifo Institute in Munich on research related topics to GIS in economics before leaving in 2012 to join the Chair of Geoinformatics at TU Munich. Since January 2018 he has been working as Business Development Manager at virtual city systems. As a lecturer at TU Munich, he has been awarded the faculty's teaching prize several times. In addition to his professional tasks, Maximilian Sindram is involved in professional associations and standardization committees. Among others, his contribution to the modeling of the OpenDRIVE standard in ASAM e.V. and his profound knowledge of the OGC standard CityGML are worth mentioning.
Dr. Ludwig Friedmann
Dr. Ludwig Friedmann has been Solution Architect Simulation Autonomous Driving with BMW Group since 2018. The focus of his work is on simulation architecture, 3D models and materials, distributed simulation frameworks and standardization. From 2016 to 2018 he was Product Manager Software Development Tools/Methods at Audi AG. From 2010 to 2016 he was a research associate and PhD candidate the Technical University Munich.
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Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Phone.: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
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