May 13 – 15, 2025 | Frankfurt/Hanau, Germany


May 14 – 15, 2025

Automated Driving and Safety

The hype about what is often called autonomous driving is increasingly giving way to reality. In recent years, even the greatest visionaries have realized that many questions still have to be answered, many barriers overcome and many challenges mastered in order to implement vehicle automation.

However, especially in times of the current crisis, it has become all the more clear that mobility must be regarded as one of the most fundamental basic needs, and mobility for all means that we must work on vehicle automation with full commitment.

In the Auto[nom]Mobil session of the SafetyWeek, fundamental and over-competitive necessities for achieving goals will be addressed and possible solutions will be presented. This expert dialogue provides the platform for an intensive exchange and is intended to accelerate the essential stronger networking of the participants.

Dr.-Ing. Michael Fausten

Program Director Auto[nom]Mobil

Dr.-Ing. Michael Fausten
Senior Vice President Artificial Intelligence and Systems
Robert Bosch GmbH

Program Committee 

Rolf Behling

Rolf Behling
Head of Engineering
Allianz Worldwide Partners SAS

Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler

Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler
Chair of Ergonomics
Technische Universität München

Florian Ehrenberg

Florian Ehrenberg
Senior Manager Systems Engineering
Magna Electronics Germany GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Michael Fausten

Dr.-Ing. Michael Fausten
Senior Vice President Artificial Intelligence and Systems Corporate Sector Research & Advance Engineering
Robert Bosch GmbH

Christian Gold

Christian Gold
Head of Human Factors, Field Operation Tests, Effectiveness Analysis
BMW Group

Torsten Gollewski

Torsten Gollewski
Executive Vice President Autonomous Mobility Systems
ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Prof. Dr. Thomas Helmer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Helmer
Professor for Integral Vehicle Safety
Technical University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt

Gregor Kugelmann

Gregor Kugelmann
Head of ADAS L3 System Development and Validation
Mercedes-Benz AG

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Prokop

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Prokop
Head of the Chair of Automotive Engineering and Dean of "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Technische Universität Dresden

Direktor & Professor Andre Seeck

Direktor & Professor Andre Seeck
Head of the Division Vehicle Technology
BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute

Udo Steininger

Udo Steininger
Chief Expert Automotive Safety


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