Virtual Testing Series

Virtual Testing #5: ADAS Development Challenges

In principle, you can imagine an infinite number of conceivable scenarios in the field of ADAS. How can virtual testing help? What is the role of VT here? 

The goal of all efforts is to develop robust ADAS functions to meet vehicle homologation and consumer safety testing requirements. VT is used in the design and conceptualization of ADAS functions (such as lane-keeping assist, adaptive cruise control, or emergency braking) and in the development of algorithms (like algorithms for object detection, sensor fusion, and decision-making). Validation is a major challenge here. The Virtual Testing in ADAS Development event will address these issues and attempt to convey the current state of the art in this area.   


The topics of the lectures will be available shortly.

Your Contact

Constantin Hoffmann
Tel. +49-6023-964089


VT #4 sponsored by