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Help us Identify the Current Critical Challenges of Automotive CAE!

In preparation for the automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2025, we are identifying the current, critical challenges of automotive CAE.

You work in CAE in the automotive industry and face a major technical challenge in your work. Describe it in a few words and send it to us until 1st of September! We will add your challenge to our list.

In a web-based survey, we will then determine the 7 most critical current challenges from the list. These will form the topics of the Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2025 and hopefully will be solved following the conference through the cooperation of industry, research and software development.

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Great Presentation Program at the Human Modeling Symposium 2024 - Register Now!

article imageOn November 13 and 14, 2024 carhs.training and the Bioengineering Center of Wayne State University, Detroit (USA) will jointly host the 10th biennial Symposium Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering in Marburg, Germany. From the call for papers as well as from friends and supporters of the conference series, we received a large number of great proposals and will have an excellent presentation program at the symposium. Take a look at the program and register now at the early bird price!

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Altair Announces Winners of the Altair Enlighten Award 2024 and of the Altair Global Student Contest 2023-2024

article imageThe Altair Enlighten Award is presented in partnership with the Center for Automotive Research (CAR). The award recognizes significant advances in sustainability and light-weighting that successfully reduce CO2 emissions, reduce water and energy consumption, and drive the reuse and recycling of materials. The winner of the Altair Global Student Contest 2023-2024 Grand Price is Luca Sutton, a member of the TUfast Eco Team.

Image: Altair

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Next-Gen Safety Simulations with the HBM Connect Family Human Body Models from Humanetics

article imageKarsten Newbury, president of Humanetics Digital, offered his perspective on why Humanetics has developed this solution: We have an ambitious vision to better integrate simulation and data management tools with the physical crash testing process. This virtual-real closed loop is critical to both advancing occupant safety and vehicle development efficiency. Partnerships are key to making rapid progress. This program has been a collaboration between the best technology, the best engineers and the most demanding customers.

Image: Humanetics

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Seminar: Introduction to Impact Biomechanics and Human Body Models

article imageTo prevent human injury in traffic it is necessary to understand the biomechanics of impact. This can be achieved through experimental studies with volunteers or post-mortem human subjects. Mechanical anthropometric crash test dummies have been developed to provide tools for the development and assessment of safety systems under specific loading scenarios. With increasing computer capacity, human body models have become popular tools.

This course covers the basics of impact biomechanics, such as human anatomy, population variance, mechanical properties of human tissues, and injury criteria. Finally, it focuses on computational models of the human body and their use in developing and evaluating safety systems.

Karin Brolin is an internationally renowned expert in impact biomechanics and human modeling.

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AVL Deutschland GmbH and AVL RACETECH are Partners of Motorsport Team Germany

article imageAVL Deutschland GmbH is supporting DMSB's Motorsport Team Germany at the FIA Motorsport Games 2024 in Valencia. Also on board is AVL RACETECH, the global motorsport department of Austrian development service provider AVL. This underlines the company's long-standing commitment to motorsport and the promotion of talented professional and junior drivers.

Image: AVL

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Automating the Dummy Positioning Process in the Rear

article imageHow exactly does the belt strap fit around the "horns" of the child seat in the rear seat of the car? This is not a question that car drivers give much thought to in everyday life, but it is an absolutely safety-relevant detail in vehicle safety. As part of his bachelor's thesis at PSW, Philipp Haidl set up a cross-solver, independent seating process for virtual development that reduces the time required for simulated seating by up to 50% while maintaining the same model quality.

Image: PSW

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Methodological Challenges of Scenario Generation Validation: A Rear-end Crash-causation Model for Virtual Safety Assessment

article imageSafety assessment of crash and conflict avoidance systems is important for the automotive industry and other stakeholders. One type of system that needs such an assessment is a driver monitoring system (DMS) with some intervention (e.g., warning or nudging) when the driver looks off-road for too long. Although using computer simulation to assess safety systems is becoming increasingly common, it is not yet commonly used for systems that affect driver behavior, such as DMSs. Models that generate virtual crashes, taking crash-causation mechanisms into account, are needed to assess these systems.

Image: Chalmers University

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Development of Prechamber Enabled Mixing-Controlled Combustion

article imageA Fuel-Agnostic Combustion Strategy for the Future of Low-Carbon Reciprocating Engines. The heartbeat of the global economy is commercial vehicles, and as the economy grows, so does the demand for on-road trucks, off-road construction equipment, and agricultural vehicles. These vehicles are almost entirely powered by compression ignition engines using fossil diesel fuel. In the face of the global climate crisis, this presents a real challenge: how do we provide efficient and productive commercial vehicle powertrains while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? Full electrification of these vehicles faces many hurdles, such as cost, weight, operating hours, lack of infrastructure, and implementation time. Thus, the most pragmatic and impactful way to reduce emissions in the near term is by using lower carbon intensity fuels, such as ethanol, methanol, natural gas, propane, hydrogen, or ammonia.

Image: Converge

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Dealing with Uncertainties of Machine Learning Components

article imageThe use of Machine Learning (ML) components in safety- or financially-critical systems is challenging. Fraunhofer IESE addresses this challenge by systematically engineering comprehensive multi-layered safety concepts and explicitly considering sources of uncertainties. This specifically includes situations at runtime for which ML components were not trained. In this blog post, the concept and the principle of using statistical distance methods for runtime assessment of contextual relevance is presented.

Image: Fraunhofer IESE

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ESI Blog: Composite Simulation in the Aerospace and Automotive Industries

article imageComposite materials have revolutionized the manufacturing processes in various industries, particularly in the aerospace and automotive sectors. Known for their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, flexibility, and durability, these materials are crafted using various techniques involving continuous fibers, short fibers, unidirectional (UD) tapes, mats, and woven fabrics. Composite simulation has become an essential tool in predicting and optimizing the behavior of these materials throughout their lifecycle, from pre-forming and draping to resin transfer molding (RTM), curing, and performance under different conditions such as crash loading.

Image: ESI

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Software Supports Formulations for Optimized Tires

article imageThe Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS in Halle (Saale) is working with six partners to develop intelligent algorithms and methods that support the production of application-optimized rubber compounds. The common goal is to develop software that uses information on formulation and processing conditions to derive predictions and optimization strategies.

Image: Faunhofer IMWS

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All-in-One Analysis Solution to Significantly Extend Product Lifespans Developed

article imageAltair and LG Electronics Vehicle component Solutions Company (LG VS Company) have jointly developed analytical solutions to extend product life. With the help of Altair® OptiStruct® - an optimization-enabled structural analysis software and key product of the Altair® HyperWorks® design and simulation platform - LG Electronics was able to reduce the development time for its vehicle infotainment components by over 20 %.

Image: LG

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Order the New automotive CAE Companion 2024/25 Now

article imageThe new automotive CAE Companion provides comprehensive information on our conferences and seminars in CAE and engineering. On over 100 pages of CAE knowledge, experts provide valuable information on the theory and application of numerical simulation in CAE-based vehicle development.

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carhs.training Customer-specific Seminars On-site or Online

article imagecarhs.training offers all seminars as in-house and as online seminars at attractive conditions. Talk to us!

Image: iStock.com/A-Digit

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Seminars and Events

Register now!

carhs.training seminars and events for automotive safety.

All seminars are available as in-house trainings in both German and English!

Basics of Homologation - based on the Practical Experience of an Independent Developer
05.09.2024 Online
Christian Radt - EDAG Engineering GmbH EUR 495
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Plastics
10.09.2024 in Alzenau
Prof. Dr. Thomas Karall - Hof University of Applied Sciences EUR 990
NCAP - New Car Assessment Programs: Tests, Assessment Methods, Ratings
10.09.2024 - 11.09.2024 in Alzenau
Direktor & Professor Andre Seeck - BASt - Federal Highway Research Institute EUR 1690
Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation
12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024 Online
Prof. Dr. Thomas Karall - Hof University of Applied Sciences EUR 990
Head Impact on Vehicle Interiors: FMVSS 201 and UN R21
12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024 Online
Torsten Gärtner - Opel Automobile GmbH EUR 990
Simulation of Automated Vehicles - MODULE C: Scenarios & Driving Functions
12.09.2024 - 04.11.2024 Online
Industry Experts EUR 2400
Introduction to Passive Safety of Vehicles
16.09.2024 - 17.09.2024 in Alzenau
Ralf Reuter - carhs.training gmbh EUR 1690
Head Impact on Vehicle Interiors: FMVSS 201 and UN R21
16.09.2024 in Alzenau
Torsten Gärtner - Opel Automobile GmbH EUR 990
Whiplash Testing and Evaluation in Rear Impacts
18.09.2024 in Alzenau
Thomas Frank - LEAR Corporation GmbH EUR 830
Material Models of Metals for Crash Simulation
18.09.2024 - 19.09.2024 Online
Dr.-Ing. Helmut Gese - MATFEM Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH EUR 830
The ADAS Experience 2024
18.09.2024 - 19.09.2024 in Penzing
Industry Experts EUR 1660
SafetyUpDate Austria 2024
24.09.2024 - 25.09.2024 in Graz, Austria
Industry Experts EUR 1660
Workshop Pedestrian Protection and Low Speed Crash
30.09.2024 in Alzenau
Maren Finck - carhs.training gmbh EUR 830
NVH - Background, Practice and Simulation Methodology
07.10.2024 - 10.10.2024 Online
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Jennewein - Darmstadt UAS, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Zopp - RheinMain UAS EUR 1390
Python based Machine Learning with Automotive Applications
07.10.2024 - 08.10.2024 in Alzenau
Dr. André Backes - TECOSIM GmbH EUR 1390
Development of Frontal Restraint Systems meeting Legal and Consumer Protection Requirements
07.10.2024 - 08.10.2024 in Alzenau
Kai Golowko - Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH EUR 1390
Introduction to Impact Biomechanics and Human Body Models
08.10.2024 - 11.10.2024 Online
Dr. Karin Brolin - Lightness by Design AB EUR 1390
Euro NCAP Passive Safety Workshop
08.10.2024 - 09.10.2024 in Landsberg am Lech
Volker Sandner - ADAC Technik Zentrum Landsberg EUR 1390
Euro NCAP - Compact
09.10.2024 - 10.10.2024 Online
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Ralf Reuter, carhs.training gmbh EUR 830
Crash Test Data Acquisition Workshop
09.10.2024 - 10.10.2024 in Gilching
Heiko Haupt - MESSRING GmbH, Franz Holzinger - MESSRING GmbH EUR 1390
Vehicle safety under self-certification: Principles, obligations, enforcement, and remedies
10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024 in Alzenau
John F. Creamer - GlobalAutoRegs.com EUR 1390

Please find the full list of seminars at our website.

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