The carhs automotive CAECompanion 2024/2025
The automotive CAECompanion provides more than just an overview of our training programme. It is also a valuable reference book for those working in the field of CAE in automotive engineering. The automotive CAECompanion provides you with current CAE knowledge.
The new automotive CAECompanion 2024/2025...
- ...provides detailed seminar descriptions of more than 70 seminars and events with an overview of the contents of all available topics regarding simulation and engineering
- ...supports you in your daily work with interesting technical information from the field (called CAE-Wissen), such as functional development, material characterization and CAE Technologies
The automotive CAECompanion 2024/2025 secures your decisive lead in cutting-edge know-how.
automotive CAECompanion English:
176 pages, 4 color printing, DIN A5
You can order the automotive CAECompanion alternatively as a free PDF version.