Modeling of Joints in Crash Simulation


For the efficient assembly of components and complete structures many different joining techniques are available. Joints have to ensure that the assembly will fulfill crashworthiness, durability and other requirements. Therefore the best joining technique has to be selected for each application. Modern lightweight design often uses a material mix. Using different materials, like various steel grades, lightweight alloys, plastics or composites for applications for which the individual material is best suited allows for weight savings. The efficient and reliable joining of different materials is even more challenging. Failure of joints can be a reason for collapse of vehicle structures during crash testing. Therefore failure of joints must be precisely predicted in numerical crash simulation applied in the virtual design process of vehicle development.


The course addresses engineers working in the field of crash simulation and heads of simulation departments interested in the important topic of modelling of joints including failure.


The objective of this one day course is to give the participants an overview of failure modelling of different joints (punctiform, linear, planar joints) for crash simulation and also of the characterization tests and methods that are necessary for calibrating the model parameters. Also recommendation for validation tests and simulations of calibrated joint models are given. Examples of typical and used models are shown in all common crash codes.


  • Overview of modeling techniques for different joining techniques
  • Tests and methods for characterization of joints
  • Local loading conditions at joints during testing under shear, tension and bending load
  • Characteristics of failure behavior
  • Failure modeling of
    • Spot welded joints including spot welds in press hardened steels
    • Self-piercing riveted joints
    • Laser welded joints
    • Adhesive joints
  • Calibration methods for determination of model parameters
  • Validation of calibrated models through testing and simulation

Dr.-Ing. Silke Sommer
Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM

Sommer Silke Sommer studied Physics at the RWTH Aachen University and obtained her PhD degree at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology about modelling of the deformation and failure behaviour of spot welds. She has been working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg since 2000 in the field of damage and failure modelling of materials and joints for crash simulation. Since 2013 she is a group leader for joining and joints.

日期 语言 价格 课程番号
05 Nov - 06 Nov 2025 English 890 EUR  (1090 EUR from 2025.10.09 ) 4525
Online (Online-Seminar) » 注册
Dr.-Ing. Silke Sommer
星期三 09:00 - 13:00
星期四 09:00 - 13:00
日期 语言 价格 课程番号
19 Mar 2026 Deutsch 890 EUR  (1090 EUR from 2026.02.20 ) 4633
Alzenau ( gmbh, Siemensstraße 12, 63755 Alzenau) » 注册
Dr.-Ing. Silke Sommer
星期四 09:00 - 17:00



Dr. Dirk Ulrich
电话: 06023 - 96 40 - 66


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