Material Models of Metals for Crash Simulation


Besides an appropriate spatial discretisation of the structure and a profound knowledge of the required load cases, appropriate material modelling is a key ingredient for predictive crash simulations. The load carrying structure of a car today still mainly consists of metallic materials. The materials to be described are diverse. The seminar deals with the following materials:

  • Mild and high strength steels,
  • cold formable AHSS and UHSS steels,
  • hot formable and quenchable boron steels,
  • wrought Al and Mg alloys,
  • cast Al and Mg alloys,
  • metalic material produced by additive manufacturing.
The objective of this 1-day course is to give the participants an overview of material models of metals used in crash simulation. Within the first chapter the deformation behavior and the failure mechanisms of each material class are explained based on the material structure. In the second chapter phenomenological models for crash simulation of metals are introduced. This includes elasticity, viscoplasticity and failure due to localized necking, ductile normal fracture and ductile shear fracture. In case of crashworthiness simulation the influence of strain rate on the aforementioned properties is of high interest. In the third chapter the tests needed for the characterization of materials are described and the parameter identification for the material models is discussed. The manufacturing process can have a significant impact on the material properties (pre-straining of sheets, paint bake heat treatment,local heating in joining processes etc.). Within the fourth chapter simulation examples are discussed which show the sensitivity of simulation results regarding the identified material parameters. In the final chapter the influence of the discretization on the predictive quality of a crashworthiness model is discussed. This includes both the element size and the type of element (shell vs. solid).


The course addresses engineers working in the field of crash simulation and heads of simulation departments interested in the important topic of material modelling.



  • Overview of metallic materials used in cars
  • Influence of material structure on mechanical behavior
  • Phenomenological material models for metals
  • Overview of experimental methods for material characterization
  • Identification of material parameters from experiments
  • Discussion of the sensitivity material parameters

Dr.-Ing. Helmut Gese
MATFEM Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Gese Dr.-Ing. Helmut Gese founded the engineering consultancy MATFEM in 1993 (from 1999 the company has been named MATFEM partnership Dr. Gese & Oberhofer; in 2022 the legal status has changed to MATFEM Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH). MATFEM offers technical and scientific consultancy services at the intersection of material science and finite element methods. Besides performing FEM analysis projects the area of activity covers experimental and theoretical characterization of materials and the development of new material models for simulation.

日期 语言 价格 课程番号
18 Sep - 19 Sep 2024 English 990 EUR  (830 EUR till 2024.08.21 ) 4348
Online (Online-Seminar, , Online) » 注册
Dr.-Ing. Helmut Gese
星期三 09:00 - 13:00
星期四 09:00 - 13:00
日期 语言 价格 课程番号
01 Apr 2025 Deutsch 890 EUR  (1090 EUR from 2025.03.05 ) 4442
Alzenau ( gmbh, Siemensstraße 12, 63755 Alzenau) » 注册
Dr.-Ing. Helmut Gese
星期二 09:00 - 17:00



Dr. Dirk Ulrich
电话: 06023 - 96 40 - 66


All prices are exclusive of VAT.